Important Considerations for Effective Landing Page
Creating landing pages for desktop sites is a challenge some marketers have taken a long time to master and still may not be perfect in it. With technology in a new phase where smartphone devices are now used even more frequently to access WWW, marketers have to include the programming of small screen optimized landing pages to their challenge. Below are some important considerations for an effective landing page.
Speed of Load
With extremely fast internet services everywhere, it is left to you to make your landing page load as fast as possible. In times past, user’s ISP used to be a factor in determining load time but it’s rarely the case these days so don’t let your prospective customers become frustrated while waiting for your page to load.
You can increase the speed at which your page loads by optimizing images, leveraging browser caching, and combining external JavaScript. At the same time, Flash should be minimized as they increase the loading time of your page and also creates roadblocks for your users.
One reason why your landing page loading time should be quick is because smartphones are usually used to get quick information unlike desktop computers that’ll have to boot up first. If your users still have to wait before getting the information on your site, then there’s a problem.
Call to Action
The major reason for building a landing page is because you want to call your potential customers to action. Smartphone users are usually more distracted than desktop computer users so ensure you have your call to action link close by. In order to win them over, you have to hit the nail on the head with your information and in doing that, it also has to be captivating and accurate. Your call to action link should be placed in strategic places on your landing page and the bottom is one of them, as it saves potential customers the time it takes to scroll back up.
Reduce Clutter
Planning your landing page so that potential users get attracted to it easily is a good idea but try your best to reduce clutter. All forms of unnecessary and distracting elements should be removed and replaced with easily clickable buttons and links instead. Remember also that desktop users have a mouse with which they can precisely click on a link no matter how little, but it is not so for smartphone users. Make your links bold enough to be tapped with an average sized finger so that frustration doesn’t set in for a user who finds it difficult to navigate round your page. In doing so, you’ll also have to increase the spacing between adjacent links and ensure they look clickable.
Less Forms, Stronger Impact
Having your landing page filled to the brim is not a very good idea as it brings about confusion and mix-up of information on the site. Take your time to bring out the vital points and your users will surely be glad. If you’ll require your potential users to fill a form, keep it as short as possible so that they don’t get tired of the whole process and abandon the page for you.
Use the Click-to-Call Feature
Since the landing page is meant for smartphones, you can include the click-to-call feature so that customers who are confused about anything can easily give your team a call. The importance of this feature is that it makes your landing page actionable and shows you’re genuine.
Use Highly Targeted Landing Pages
In order to effectively address your potential users, your landing pages need to be targeted at something specific. They can either be customized per source, per keyword or per campaign as it helps create more varieties and better targeting.
Rather than placing campaigns and offers on your landing page, create smartphone-specific campaigns and offers and you’ll see how potential customers will continue landing on your page as the good news continue to spread. Another idea is the use of available user’s info such as device type, location, source, and others to create highly targeted smartphone landing pages.
Other Landing Page Elements
One very important group of elements that should be on your page are the Social Media icons. As we all know, the Social Media is one sure place to get traffic so carefully place Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter and other share links at strategic places to increase amount of traffic on your site.
Search box is another feature that should be included in your landing page. At times, customers may encounter difficulties trying to navigate through your site but the presence of search box makes things quite easier.
Your contact information is another important landing page feature. By allowing your potential customers call or email you whenever they have something to say, they’ll see that you are genuine and a long lasting relationship might just start from there.
After coming up with an effective landing page using the tips above, take your time to run a test and track your results. By so doing, you’ll gather more information on what your potential customers prefer and further optimize your page based on the info.
Brought to you by RobustTechHouse. We provide E-Commerce Development services.