Leading iOS & Android App Developer in Singapore

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Why RobustTechHouse is the Leading iOS & Android App Developer in Singapore?

iOS & Android App Development in Singapore is a very high demand service. According to recent study by statistica.com, they expect that the annual growth rate of Apps revenue is at 6.8% resulting in a market volume of US$10m by 2024. That’s why this is a journey best undertaken with a reliable partner. RobustTechHouse would like to be that partner for enterprises and serious startups. To do this, we are always learning and improving. We differentiate ourselves from other iOS and Android App development companies by taking a “solutions” approach, coming up with mobile app ideas, focusing on innovation and emphasizing transparency (and therefore accountability) to our clients.

We don’t claim to be the best iOS & Android app developer around, but we strive to be your best technology partner to join you in the iOS & Android App Development journey.

  • Solutions

    At RobustTechHouse, we try to understand the underlying problem you are trying to solve and propose solutions. We bring to the table our technical knowledge and mobile app development experience. Together with your functional expertise, we believe we can build something awesome!

  • Innovation

    We love experimenting and trying out new technologies. Challenge us and we will research to find appropriate SDKs and APIs that may solve the problem. Check out our blog to find out the recent technologies that we have been investigating

  • Transparency

    We believe transparency is the best policy to develop trust. We have no hidden costs. All third party costs (e.g. hosting costs) are transferred directly to the client (no markups!). We have a 24-response policy and communicate constantly with clients through our slack channel. Check out our mobile app buyers' guide where we share what you should know as a mobile app buyer.

  • Agile

    The agile development methodology allows us to keep our clients engaged in the development process. We typically share our first build within 2 weeks of development commencement. We are happy for clients to have full access to the code base at all points in the development process.

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Drop us a note to find out more!

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Contact Us

We look forward to your messages. Please drop us a note for any enquiries and we'll get back to you, asap.

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