Venture Builder

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We Build Businesses

We don't only build websites, mobile apps, chatbots and blockchain systems; we build businesses.

If you have a great idea, we would like to partner you to build your startup business.

With our in-house technology capabilities, together with our angel and advisors network, we can make an investment in your startup, provide technology, mentorship and fund raising assistance.

Angels and Advisors

Patrick Sim
Co-Founder and Director of RobustTechHouse
Michelle Koh
Co-Founder and Director of RobustTechHouse
Assaf Tarnopolsky
Director, Marketing Solutions - South East Asia, North Asia & Japan
Alan Hsu
Venture Capitalist
Yeeli Lee
Amazon | Founder & Entrepreneur | Women in Tech | Behavioral Scientist
Shern Wei Koh
Shawn Tan
Venture Partner at Novo Tellus Capital Partners
Swee Siong Lee
Business Transformation Advisor | Digital Strategist | Startup Investor
Abdul Hakeem Narayanan
Kang Lin Ong
CEO and Executive Director - SiS Asset Management
Melvin Tan
Value Investor
Mark Garlinghouse
Information Industry Executive
Shawn Tan
Investment Professional

Startup Portfolio

These are startups we have invested in or have built in-house

Let's Partner Up !

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Contact Us

We look forward to your messages. Please drop us a note for any enquiries and we'll get back to you, asap.

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