How To Build Software Faster
There are so many reasons why programmers aim to build their smartphone software in less time. Rather than going into those reasons, we’ll be focusing on how to build your software faster and below are some great tips.
Be more Aggressive with your Ship Date
One of the best ways to get your workers serious is by reiterating your ship date. Let them know that the date cannot be missed for any reason so that they can get more involved in their tasks and speak out in case they are facing challenges.
Reduce Programming Cycles with the use of Wireframes
Changing a mockup is far easier, cheaper, and faster than rewriting a code, so start with low-fidelity wireframes and iterate extensively before writing any UI-based code. Although several tools can be used for this purpose, the Balsamiq Mockups happen to be more popular especially with low-fidelity wireframes.
Start with one Platform
It is generally better to start with one platform rather than trying to program on multiple platforms. Apple’s platform is quite easier to work with, and it only has one form factor which is the iPhone. Another reason why you should start with one platform and form factor is because of learning and feedback. Learning the best way to program on a platform you are not too familiar with will further increase your programming cycles. Trying to apply beta test’s feedbacks on multiple platforms and form factors has its own negative effect on your programming cycles too.
Beware of Wrong Estimates
Coming up with estimates is a good way to analyze the approximate cost of a product and its likely delivery time enabling workers to do their best to meet up. Estimates show that a particular company knows what they are doing, and delivery within that estimated time – or even before – is a huge success for the team. If however, you and your team are unable to complete the project before the estimated time, and this happens on more than one occasion, your audience my brandish your team as being disappointing. Take not of this before we move on to the next paragraph: customers do not care how long you spend building a smartphone software, all they care about is that the software comes out on or before the estimated period.
Re-examine your Estimates Regularly
In order to continuously meet up with your estimates, you ought to ask that your programming team members do the following every week:
- Provide an estimate for all tasks in their queue.
- Ensure that the next week estimate is accurate and adjust them accordingly if they are not.
An approach using the above format guarantees that your decisions are made based on reconfirmed facts. It also acts as a reminder to the team that there will be work the coming week, and also, the nature of the job.
Move Challenging Tasks to the Front
Challenging tasks can be found everywhere, not only in software programming. Worst of all, it takes too much time especially when you are hardly seeing a way forward through the challenge. The best solution to this issue is to move such tasks to the top of your list to enable your team get as much information as they can get to solve it. Once you can go past challenging tasks at an early stage, you’ll find out that the project becomes quite easy and achievable within your estimated time. Failure to do so could results in you missing your ship date, or your software being buggier than it should be.
Backend-as-a-Service Provider
Popular BaaS Tools such as CloudKit, Kinyey, Parse and Firebase are built with the aim of reducing the cost of backend programming and running servers. They improve your software by making it easier to have user accounts, use logins from social networks, have a solid analytics dashboard, and support push notifications.
Employ a Proven Programming Team
Working with a proven programming team considerably improves the quality of your software. It also speeds up the project since every section is handled by experts who must have faced several challenges in their various fields. Experience is really vital as it removes or reduces unnecessary delay times which may occur as a result of challenges faced by the programmer.
Come up with a Minimum Amount of Weekly Builds
Keeping a particular amount of weekly builds helps out with your overall ship date. During the earlier stages of your software programming, do your builds weekly and have them available to beta testers within 2 to 4 weeks. As you approach your ship date, builds should become more frequent, about 2 to 3 per week or even daily.
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